Giving Circles

Affinity Giving Circles

Diverse philanthropy is one of the most important tools we have in supporting historically underserved communities. Affinity giving circles represent a powerful part of this concept.

Affinity giving circles enable a committed group of individuals to collectively invest their time, talent, and money and to decide—together—the future direction of the circle and the allocation of its funds. This form of giving offers an innovative philanthropic approach within the higher education landscape—and one that provides a collaborative strategy for interested individuals to share and network together as they strengthen their circle of influence.

Giving Together

Indiana University firmly believes diversity, inclusion, and equity are indispensable elements of an IU education. This belief is central to the creation of the Black Philanthropy Circle (BPC) and the Queer Philanthropy Circle (QPC).

Education is transformative. It has the power and potential to change lives for the better. The Black Philanthropy Circle and the Queer Philanthropy Circle play a critical role in helping Indiana University campuses become learning environments that advocate access, equity, inclusiveness, and community for all.

James C. Wimbush

Philanthropy provides opportunities. It offers hope and confidence through a shared commitment to influence the future. As a national leader in the creation of giving circles connected to public institutions of higher education, Indiana University believes in the power of possibility—and what can happen when we work together to make a difference for students, faculty and staff, and particularly those who are marginalized or face obstacles. Together, our voice is indeed bigger, better, and stronger.

James C. Wimbush, Former Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Dean of The University Graduate School Johnson Chair for Diversity and Leadership